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Found 54730 results for any of the keywords block grant. Time 0.008 seconds.
In a fiscal federal form of government, a block grant is a large sum of money granted by the national government to a regional government with only general provisions as to the way it is to be spent. This can be contrasted with a categorical grant which has more strict and specific provisions on the way it is to be spent. -- Wikipedia FY2023 Mental Health Block Grant BSCA Allotments | SAMHSAFY2023 Mental Health Block Grant BSCA Allotments
Arts and Culture Grant - City of PasadenaPasadena will combine world class events, science and technology, arts and culture, history and architecture with great neighborhoods and opportunities for all.
SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationAn official website of the United States government
SAMHSA - Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services AdministrationAn official website of the United States government
National Recovery Month 2024 | SAMHSANational Recovery Month (Recovery Month), which started in 1989, is a national observance held every September to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the nation’s strong and proud rec
Sitemap | SAMHSAAn official website of the United States government
Health Care and Support For Mental Health, Drugs or Alcohol | SAMHSAFinding the right health care professional, program, or support group can take a lot of work. Here’s where to start.
Find a Health Care Professional or Program: Mental Health SubstanceFind mental health professionals, programs, and resources based on your insurance: Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, Veterans Affairs health care, and more.
Help for mental health, drugs, alcohol – Medicaid, CHIP | SAMHSAFind mental health professionals, programs, and resources if you have Medicaid or CHIP.
Help for mental health, drugs, alcohol – AL Medicaid, CHIP | SAMHSAFind mental health professionals, programs, and resources in Alabama if you have Medicaid or CHIP.
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